Friday, February 6, 2009

When some years back Marshall Marmmont’s troops pour in Dalmacija, it was refreshing. Where was no other ways than goats paths, Napoleon have ordered to build the highways of that time. Where were highways he ordered to be renewed and reinforced, where was ports he ordered to be designed new and enlarged. Napoleon and his Marshal Marmmont did not order that because they love Dalmatians. He order that in knowledge, to sooner than lather he will ned means of quick transportation of troops back and forth. But for a time bean most of the Dalmatian man have find the job on construction of the highway’s and tunnels on they path. At the same time they was acquiring new knowledge. How to use new explosives which French have developed for a Military purposes How to use and design new tools needed for a development of different tasks. They was building on equal distances rain catchment’s, large enough to big military formations have enough when they pass by. They was installing the highway signs with distance chiseled in (as Romans did long time ago), distances will tell the traveler how far is to next town or how far he was from the town he just come from.
Grandpa have sign up with most of the family man for this jobs. Far sighted as always he decided to will make good to participate, learn and make some money if that can be done. So some man was working on stone carving, others in mason division, Filip was still in the

Velebit taking care of that part of Family business, Grandpa was assigned for a foreman position. That did not come just out from the blue. Marmmont’s people have make they’re intelligence ground work in advance, and they knew who is who, and where they have to call upon, to task be done with less effort. What make they work more easy was the different approach. In the time when Venetia have rule the Dalmacija, all was done by force. So Napoleon assigned Marshal Marmmont to use different tactics. So after thinking and studying for a while, he decided to will be the best to use approach of benefactor. And he implement the wide open enrollment in what he called Public works. Who enroll will have decent pay, decent food and decent barracks for a that time. Also he have number of Scientists of different kind with him. There was Geometers, Surveyors, Land book makers for a Land management, Archeologists and so forth and so forth. Most of the people in Dalmacija have respect for a French’s grow even bigger when they start paying for a land they needed for a projects. People did not see them as intruders any more but for a Government of prosperity.
And Adriatic highway start to advance in quick pace. In less than few years major ground works have been done. Finishing touches was been added to the route. Where was ravines and local people said to flash floods was rampant, engineer will construct aquaducts, bridges or underpasses for a water. Where was danger of strong Bura winds, walls was

build to protect the travelers on the highway. Edges of the road was build of chiseled stone, where was needed to elevate road, skarpa was build of chiseled stone and build under 45 to 75 degree angle to support the road on the top. On that way road was in one level which did not have large up hills and down hills. Road was build to support a military six man column one way, or two military carts in opposite ways. This was revolution. Where people before must to spend days traveling paths, not was road in use which make all this short and more pleasant.
When French’s start on the border with Italy, they pass through Istra peninsula and around it , they come to Port of Pula on they way, build the military outpost, arrived in Port of Rijeda, continue down the coast, pass the Port of Senj and in just very short time they was building near Rovanjska. From Rovanjska road was split in two major directions. One across the mountain and inland to the North, other continue toward the Port of Zadar, and down the coast to Port’s of Sibenik, Split and Dubrovnik…

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